— The Atlanta Music Project —

Ways to Give to The Atlanta Music Project

— The Atlanta Music Project —

Ways to Give to The Atlanta Music Project

— The Atlanta Music Project —

Ways to Give to The Atlanta Music Project


AMP is able to offer tuition-free programming through your generous support. Your private support is essential to ensure that AMP students and programs have the resources they need to succeed. These transformative gifts ensure AMP can continue to provide high-quality music instruction for current and future young musicians.

Annual Giving

These individual gifts make a BIG impact by immediately allowing us to put your donation to work for AMP young musicians. Gifts can support instruments, class materials, operations, faculty positions, and/or the AMP Endowment.

Gifts of Stock

Donations of stock, bonds, mutual funds, and other marketable securities can enjoy the dual benefits of eliminating capital gains taxation and receiving a charitable deduction. If the securities are owned for more than one year then the charitable deduction is equal to the fair market value of the securities. If the securities are owned for less than one year then the charitable deduction is equal to the cost basis. In both cases, the donor may offset up to thirty percent (30%) of his or her AGI for the year of the gift, with a five-year carryover.

Please contact us for a DTC and Account Number to complete your gift.

Bequest Designations

Choosing the Atlanta Music Project as a beneficiary of your estate will make a big impact for the Atlanta Music Project. Documenting your gift with AMP allows you to ensure your gift is used as intended. Wording can vary based on your arrangements, and a financial advisor can help in documenting the appropriate details. We would be happy to discuss your specific wishes to make sure that any desired restrictions can be accommodated.

Endowed Gifts

These gifts last in perpetuity to solidify the future of the AMP. How? The principal of the fund is never spent. Instead, the principal is invested, and the earnings are used to fulfill the agreed-upon purpose. A gift to the AMP Endowment is a donation that will secure AMP as a permanent institution focused on youth development through music in Atlanta.

Matching Gifts

Double the impact of your gift through a corporate employer match. Many corporations will match a gift to an eligible nonprofit as part of their philanthropic commitment for full-time and/or part-time employees. The gift must be a personal contribution to an eligible 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization as outlined in the employer corporate gifts program. If your company is eligible, contact your human resources department to request a matching gift form from your employer. Send the completed form with your gift.


Community is the impetus behind all we do. Individuals, businesses, schools, and families can support our programs by holding a fundraiser in honor of the Atlanta Music Project. Please contact us before starting the fundraiser so that our staff can provide you with guidelines for success.

Contact: Dantes Rameau – CEO | dantes@atlantamusicproject.org | (678) 235-4267

Donor-Advised Fund

A donor advised fund is a type of charitable giving program that provides tax benefits to easily support your favorite charities. Simply give through your Donor Advised Fund to maximize your impact, and your fund sponsor handles all record-keeping, disbursements, and tax receipts. For more information about setting up a Donor Advised Fund, please contact your financial advisor.

To give easily through your Fidelity Charitable, Shwab Charitable, or BNY Mellon Donor-Advised Fund, please use the button below.

Send A Check

To make a gift by check, please send your donation to “Atlanta Music Project:”

Atlanta Music Project
883 Dill Ave SW
Atlanta, GA 30310

Please note your preferred area of support on the memo line.

We are happy to answer questions or offer assistance! Contact:

info@atlantamusicproject.org | (678) 235-4267

Atlanta Music Project

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Atlanta Music Project