I love getting unsolicited phone calls that go something like this: “Good morning Dantes, I have a check for the Atlanta Music Project.” I know it’s gonna be a good day when that happens.
This actually happened recently when my friend Erin Ellis, a fantastic cellist and cello teacher, called me one morning. She announced that she had put together a practice-a-thon for her cello studio at the Waldorf School and that her students surprised her, by raising over $800 dollars for the Atlanta Music Project!
Wow. I may have to hire some of these kids to join our development team!

Kyla, Julia and Noah, students from Erin Ellis' cello studio at the Waldorf School who took part in a practice-a-thon to raise funds for AMP.

Erin Ellis with her cello student Rosemary, who was the practice-a-thon's runner up. Rosemary practiced over 1000 minutes! Brava!
A special thank you and congratulations to these wonderful young people who took it upon themselves to help the Atlanta Music Project achieve its mission of Music For Social Change! Also, I’d like to say thank you to Erin Ellis who had the great idea to do a practice-a-thon for AMP’s benefit. I hope her students enjoyed themselves and improved their playing in the process of doing good for the Atlanta community.
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